About Me

Bonjour! Yeps, that’s me up there in the middle of Seoul 🙂

Hi everyone!

My name is Élodie, I am French and a drama lover!

My relationship with dramas started a very long time ago. Let me trace back my journey, if you allow me. It all started when I was still in middle school (so beginning of the 2010s). At that time, I was already a huge fan of cinema, series, and I was basically watching everything (or quite so) available on the market.

One day, I was discussing with my older sister, who was an avid manhwa/manga reader in those days. She was introducing me to the work of art that changed my life forever: Hana Kimi (the manga of course). At some point in the conversation, I remember her clearly mentioning that the story had been adapted with actors in the flesh, and that it was possible to see that amazing story come to life on screen. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe that my favorite book had been made into a series.

Only a few days later, I started searching the internet for information. Until I stumbled upon the Graal. Well, not quite. I couldn’t find Hana Kimi, but I had discovered another drama (though I didn’t know that was what these series were called in Asia) entitled Hana Yori Dango. I was so intrigued and excited that I decided to eventually give it a go, although it was not what I was looking for in the first place.

I have never regretted my choice since then. I simply loved it. The storyline, the cheesiness, the characters and the overall universe convinced me in a couple of minutes. When I finished this Japanese masterpiece, I found myself wanting for more. So, I searched, and searched, and searched for my next ‘plat de résistance’. At first, I was only interested in Japanese dramas. Indeed, I didn’t know that every other Asian country also had its own catalog of series.

My first introduction to South Korea and its entertainment industry didn’t go well though. I watched a movie that displeased me. I think the culture shock almost made me renounce as well. Still, I held on. I was deeply convinced that I could find good content that would remind me of the awe and thrill I felt while watching Hana Yori Dango. And you know what!? I was right! Little by little, I expanded my horizons in Dramaland. Romance, action, horror, melodrama, I was open to all genres and all countries.

Of course in my time, it was super hard to find a good drama that would not disappoint. I had to scroll through many different reviews, read different blog articles in order to find the hidden gem (Netflix didn’t even exist!).

Over the course of my journey, I fell more and more in love with K-Dramas. However, this didn’t go without consequences. The community of drama lovers was really small which made it hard to discuss it with anyone. But it was OK, I was enjoying my passion at home.

Years went by and my love grew even bigger. Today, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see more and more people (even my own mother) liking dramas and talking about them. It’s become way easier to access them as well, and the recognition is global. I mean look at dramas like Squid Game or Kingdom!

Now, I am proud to admit that I am a drama lover who wants to spread her never-ending love. Hence, this website. I hope you will enjoy it!

The French Drama Queen