Dramas 2019

Love Alarm Season 1 & Season 2 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

Country: Korea | Year: 2019-2021 | Episode: 8 (season 1) + 6 (season 2) | Channel: Netflix

Cast: Kim So Hyun, Song Kang & Jung Ga Ram
Plot: ​A new app called Love Alarm has been recently released. It enables its users to know if someone is in love with them in a 10-meter radius. Kim Jo Jo is a high school student and didn’t download the alarm. A boy at her school Lee Hye Young has a crush on her but never confessed his feelings. Meanwhile, his best friend Hwang Sun Oh learns about it and kisses Jo Jo. 

Review: Interesting drama, even though there were some mishaps. The overall idea is fresh and innovative. Just like for any kind of AI or application, the concept at first glance seems great. However, it can easily twist relationships and that is exactly what happens with Kim Jo Jo, Lee Hye Young and Hwang Sun Oh. The trio made some poor decisions at some point, but since there are still adolescents I can understand their immaturity. I also think that the drama became a bit far-fetched passed the 4 first episodes of season. Fortunately, season 2 came and saved the disasters from season 1. All in all, I was extremely satisfied with the ending, though many might disagree with me!